What about me?

Hi, I'm Siddhant Rimal and I feel a formal introduction about myself is pointless here as I update this blog infrequently and things frequently change in my life. With that said, formally, atm I'm a student and nothing else. I have my studies. I have hobbies. And I have little time for many things I want to do. In short, life is pretty much normal.

My informal introduction begins with the things I'm interested in. I like many things, not one in particular and not in a specific order. Quickly contradicting myself, I declare that I like programming the best. Sometimes its troubling but, always, its a great joy. Anime, among other things, is something I like that normies1 also do. I like music but I don't particularly enjoy songs. That is not always true, sometimes I enjoy good lyrics too - something that paints a picture and tries to tell me a story. I particularly enjoy English songs but these days I've found myself enjoying songs by Arjit Singh for some strange reason. 

= people(read: plebs) uninterested in, or unable to do, programming.
